An Open Letter

An open letter to the folks attempting to doxx Anti-Fascists:

So you want to doxx us? You want to reveal to the world that we are… what exactly? Communists? Anarchists? Violent thugs? Privileged white college students? Social Justice Warriors? Queers? Mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, and non-binary-but-still-valid family in the fight against oppression?

Look, dox away. We’ll have to go to work and admit to our friends and communities that “Yea, I think cops should stop killing black people and I think gays should be able to marry and I think transgender people should be able to live their fucking lives without constant harassment. I think poor people shouldn’t have to live substandard lives because they’re poor. I think corporations shouldn’t own everything. I think the rich need to give back to their society and not just mine it for profit. I don’t think we should be bombing and invading other countries.”

We’ll all have to make those statements, but you know what? It won’t be that fucking surprising, because most of us live our values every-god-damn-day. Can you say the same? We’re the ones who are exhausted from constantly having to tell our “friends” and co-workers that their “thinly-veiled as a joke” racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia is problematic, and then we are constantly gaslit and told we’re overreacting, when we know damn well we have a right not only to be “offended,” but to be fucking furious. We are the social justice warriors and we’re fucking sick of your shit.

Doxxing us might put us on the outs with our liberal friends. They might be upset at our militant tactics, but you know what? We’re sick of their shit too. We’re sick of white feminism and trans-exclusionary LGB movements and neurotypical, ableist micro aggressions from people who prop us up every so often so they can wear their ally badge.

We are fed up. We have had enough, and we have nowhere else to go. Antifa is a symptom of years of oppression. If you haven’t figured it out THE RIGHT WANTS TO KILL US. We in Antifa know this because we go to the marches in black bloc, and the mask becomes a target for their vitriol. We in Antifa know this because we get the death threats from accounts with frog avatars, we see the FB pages full of angry white men bragging about open- and concealed-carry, just begging for the chance to shoot one of us for having the gall to stand up to them and call them on their bullshit. Antifa knows exactly how the right feels about us, but does the mainstream left?

Because the US government is rolling back every protection for every protected class it can. The highest offices of government are committed to taking whatever meager scraps we’ve been able to win from 8 years of Obama’s milquetoast liberalism and lining their pockets with them. The right hates the white, respectable liberals just as much as they hate Antifa and Muslims and immigrants, but they need to clean up the low-hanging fruit first. Once they’ve broken the radical left they’ll come for you. The mass of burly, bearded white dudes with guns will be sitting outside the Democratic party meetings. People will stop showing up, those that can get away with it will hold their nose, look the other way, and vote Republican. You will be forcibly coerced into obsolescence as all your rights have been stripped of you. If you think this is hyperbole, look what the North Carolina GOP has done at every turn. The right doesn’t care about God or country or freedom or democracy or any of the things they love to go on about, they only care about power.

We’ve all been drawn to Antifa because it is militant, because even if you’re struggling against a wave of oppression, at least you’re doing something. We join Antifa because the things happening in this country are morally wrong and unconscionable and we will no longer be complicit. We are willing to fight, and that makes us a target for the right. They like the docile establishment Democrats who never try to hold them accountable for their shit. We are the vanguard, and you can dox us, you can show up at our homes in robes with torches, you can blacklist us, you can beat us, but we will not stop. You’ve been doing this to our communities for years. We have endured and flourished. The average queer teen or person of color has endured more hardship in their life than any Proud Boy or Alt-Knight or III%er. You know nothing of our struggles and our strength and our commitment. We have nothing to lose, and we will fight you, now and forever.

In Solidarity,
Colorado Springs Anti-Fascists

Author: cospringsantifa

Exposing fascists and disrupting their organizing in so-called Colorado.