Access Total Fitness in Elizabeth, CO is heavily featured in a propaganda film published by the neo-Nazi organization Rocky Mountain Active Club on January 25, 2024.

A photo from Access Total Fitness’ Facebook page confirms the location is the same gym:
Active Club is a neo-Nazi activist organization with chapters popping up across the country. The group trains members in martial arts, and vandalizes property with white supremacist propaganda. In Colorado, there is significant overlap between Patriot Front and Active Club.

In the hate group’s recent propaganda video, clips of Active Club members throwing Nazi salutes, burning a Pride flag, and putting up white supremacist stickers are cut together with footage of Elizabeth resident and Active Club member William Scott Planer working out at Access Total Fitness.

The video also features footage of William Planer beating protesters in Sacramento, which landed him in prison.
We reached out to Access Total Fitness to let them know that their gym was featured in a neo-Nazi propaganda film and received the following response:
When asked if members of Patriot Front or Active Club are welcome at Access Total Fitness, we did not receive a reply.
William Scott Planer has a long track record of white supremacist activism that makes him a threat to those around him. Gyms like Access Total Fitness provide a fertile recruiting ground for hate groups such as Active Club and Patriot Front who target young men, including high school students. For the safety of their members and the greater Elizabeth community, Access Total Fitness should bar William Planer and any member of white supremacist fight clubs like Active Club from training and recruiting in their facility.