The Colorado Springs Anti-Fascists were infiltrated by people believed to be III%ers or Oathkeepers. They might be law enforcement, but that seems doubtful. They joined us during the lead up to the Milo protest at UCCS. We were just starting out and were too trusting. After some red flags from members we decided to cut them out. Since then, Mark has been calling known associates of our members in an effort to obtain information, and has been trying to get into other Antifa Facebook groups.
UPDATE: Turns out they’re cops
Mark is about 6′, 180 lbs. Red, short hair, and usually clean shaven but might show up with a day or two of stubble to seem edgy. He has no visible tattoos. He doesn’t say much, and comes across as extremely socially awkward. He tends to give off “cop vibes.” Mark’s phone has a 541 area code.

Aimee is about 5’5, 130 lbs. Brunette, petite frame, sharp, WASPy features/sharp cheek bones. She spoke with a weird German accent, it may be an affectation. She comes across as very “woke,” but in retrospect it’s in that way alt-right folks try to troll the left: very concerned about pronouns, misspelled signs, etc. Aimee also has no visible tattoos.

Mark and Aimee tend to only show up to events that are advertised. They would randomly arrive at events and rallies we hadn’t invited them to. They never came to any kind of non-antifa-related activities. They troll Facebook looking for publicly advertised antifa events, make friends with members of the antifa group, and then doxx them. Mark lists his hometown as Portland, Oregon, and he may be part of the Oregon group doxxing antifa members that included Tabatha Barnum and the people behind Boston Antifa.
They have primarily been active in the Colorado Springs/Pueblo region, but may move on to look for other groups. Be careful, vet everyone. No new friends.
EDIT: Additional Info on “Mark”
It’s important to note that a huge number of the III%ers and Oathkeepers are stolen valor types. They’ll overstate or exaggerate their military experience to look tough or try to impress civilians. The majority of them are POGs who didn’t have the guts to go into the combat arms branches and go to Iraq or Afghanistan, but now they want to wear plate carriers and bring their AR-15s to protests and try to intimidate protestors.
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