This release was brought to you in part by the fine folks at Rocky Mountain Antifa.
Sam is definitely still a Nazi:
Samuel Cordova has plead guilty to committing a bias motivated crime:
UPDATE: Samuel Cordova has pleaded GUILTY to a bias motivated crime in this case. It’s a misdemeanor. Will be on probation with routine drug testing. Avoids jail. #9NEWS
— Jeremy Jojola (@jeremyjojola) February 25, 2020
Many of y’all probably heard the recent news that queer friendly businesses on Broadway in downtown Denver have been targeted by the white supremacist hate group Patriot Front.

For an overview of Patriot Front in Colorado, see our summary post.

The assailant was arrested later that week when he tried to hit Denver for a third time, this time getting chased off while trying to spray paint the window of BookBar while it hosted at Drag Queen Story Hour event at the end of Pride Month.

These same Patriot Front stickers first showed up in the area around April and were taken down an anti-fascist who was stabbed five times in the near-fatal incident. The attacker, Santi Martinez (who is not believed to be a member of Patriot Front), was not charged with any crimes.

It is very likely that Samuel Cordova is the Patriot Front member who put up the stickers that nearly killed C, the wounded anti-fascist.

Samuel Cordova

Samuel Cordova is a 20 year old man who lives with his parents in Lakewood, Colorado while attending MSU. Samuel is a wannabe streetwear designer with ties to the hip-hop scene in Denver.

Identifying Samuel was easy, we just took a look at his arrest record and then found his public Facebook page thanks to his piss poor OpSec.

From there, we identified Samuel’s two twitter accounts (@Unoriginalsbyme & @ and Instagram account (@sc.unoriginals) where he posts alt-right memes, revenge porn, and photos of his gun (Archives).
Samuel posted a nearly nude photo of a woman’s butt on his alt twitter handle @NeuromancerSc, saying that she is unaware that it is being shared. “Revenge porn” under CRS 18-7-107 is defined as “posting or distributing intimate photos of people without their consent with the intention of harassing or upsetting them.” and is a class 1 misdemeanor in the state of Colorado. We have an archive of this tweet if the affected party wishes to take legal action.

Samuel Cordova is also a gun owner. This is a troublesome revelation, as Patriot Front is most notably remembered for it’s involvement in the murder of Heather Heyer in Charlottesville, which occurred when the group was still organizing under the name Vanguard America.

Samuel Cordova is also a lifestyle Anarchist; he likes the aesthetics of Anarchism but isn’t down with the politics. Cute.

Patriot Front is an unapologetically white fascist organization that was created by a rift in Vanguard America, the fascist group that murdered Heather Hayer in Charlottesville. Samuel Cordova is a danger to our community. He has already gotten one person stabbed, covered Denver in fascist propaganda, attempted a hate crime against a Pride event, distributed revenge porn, and he carries a firearm.
We have received tips from people who know Samuel that he attends MSU and works at UPS. If you have any additional information about him or are a lawyer representing the woman in his revenge porn posting, please reach out to us at
When we said “we will find you“, we weren’t lying. We’re better at this than you.

Samuel Cordova was the subject a 9 News investigation on hate in Colorado after he was seen with neo-Nazis at an anti-LGBT protest outside of Mile High Comics. 9 News’ investigation revealed that Cordova explicitly targeted the event because “there would be gay rights activists associated with Antifa at the book store”

Cordova also attended an ANSWER Coalition/PSL No War with Iran demonstration at Denver’s capital with more or less the same group of Traditionalist Workers Party fascists on 1/25/20.