Danny Eugene Taylor (43) is a white supremacist living in Salida, Colorado, who attempted to join the fascist street gang the Proud Boysthrough an anti-fascist controlled honey pot. Danny works for Y&K Excavation and regularly waves a flag while open carrying a long-rifle in Salida.
Antonio “Tony” Roman Balderas aka “Enki” (25) is the vetting officer for the Colorado chapter of the Proud Boys, a fascist street gang that was involved in the 2017 Unite The Right Nazi rally and the 2021 United States Coup Attempt. Antonio was arrested on March 9th for allegedly shooting at someone asking for assistance on the side of the road.
William Vincent Marean (41) lives in Aurora, Colorado, works as a Quality Assurance Technician for Safeway and is a member of the fascist street gang the Proud Boys. William has mobilized with a number of openly white supremacist organizations and individuals such Defend Denver and the Goyim Defense League and has shared antisemitic and white supremacist propaganda on his social media accounts.
Joshua Michael Gillespie is a 39-year-old man living in Denver, Colorado. He is also an active member of the extreme right group The Proud Boys, has attended several protest events with the Proud Boys, and regularly promotes them on his social media. Let’s get to know Joshua and his Proud Boy affiliation a bit better!
Joshua Joseph Frashuer is a 4th degree member of the SPLC designated hate group the Proud Boys. Joshua is 37 years old, lives in Aurora, Colorado, and works as a project manager at Shamrock Painting. Joshua’s Facebook is full of anti-Semitic, anti-Muslim, and homophobic comments.
Dean Daniel Van Zandt Jr. lives in Pueblo, Colorado, works at Collins Aerospace, and is a member of the SPLC designated hate group the Proud Boys. Dean is also a white supremacist pagan who publishes false doxx’s of innocent individuals, claiming they are anti-fascists under the name Zodiak Doxxer. Dean runs a Pueblo kink group on Kik called PuebloBDS.
Louie Huey is a second degree Proud Boy and the host of the livestream podcast Major League Liberty. When Louie isn’t drunkenly yelling about Antifa™ into his computer he’s organizing with Neo-Nazis like the (former) Traditionalist Workers Party and the Goyim Defense League. Louie bills itself as libertarian, but is largely a mouthpiece for Trump supporters. Case in point: Roger Stone was a recent guest. Louie is very active in the Denver area, covering rallies and events of interest to the “blue lives matter” crowd. Louie is also not above “hitting the streets” for some ridiculous “gotcha”-style journalism, and has become a well-known nuisance for Denver-area activists. Continue reading “Proud Boy Propagandist Louis Zachary Huey (CO)”
Zachary Graham Lightner is a member of the SPLC designated hate group the Proud Boys who lives in Peyton, Colorado, and is the operations manager at his family’s lumber business JW Hardwoods.
For some reason, Proud Boys from across the nation traveled to Portland to support Gibson. Even with the out of state auxiliaries, Gibson was still hopelessly outnumbered.
Lightner, and his goofy fucking cowboy hat, have become a regular part of the Colorado Springs Proudboys traveling shit show. His distinctive cowboy hat was caught on camera with Unite The Right participant and former generator-mechanic-turned-GI-Joe Shane Reeves, who was filmed conspiring to commit kidnapping.
Shane Reeves – When you never left the FOB on active duty but you want to look tough for the “soyboys”Lightner adding the finishing touches to a Blue Lives Murder flag.
While they were in town they made sure to pose for a photo op with the Portland Fascists
Lightner (with that fucking hat…) next to “Tiny” Toese, a violentextremist. In the Front row, sporting the CNN Fake news shirt is Louis Huey, a Denver-area InfoWars wannabe.Totally normal stuff, nothing to look at here.
The Proud Boys in Colorado have an extensive history of organizingviolentevents and trying to crash events held by local activists. They have a particular boner for the Empowerment Solidarity Network, an activist group made up of people of color who have organized critical viewings of Childish Gambino’s “This is America” and workshops on toxic masculinity.
Shane Reeves is a neo-Nazi member of the hate group the Proud Boys, likely living in Louisville, Colorado & working as a mover. Reeves took part in the deadly Charlottesville white nationalist rally in 2017 that resulted in the death of Heather Heyer. Shane is formerly associated with the Colorado III%ers and the Fraternal Order of Alt-Knights, and was at the June 10th March Against Sharia in Denver.
Martin Meyers is a 30 year old anti-Semitic Anarcho-Capitalist from Colorado Springs who manages the Facebook page Being Anarcho-Capitalist and is closely aligned with the Colorado Proud Boys. Martin Meyers is a child predator whose most recent ex-girlfriend was barely 17 when they met.