Denver Proud Boy Joshua Michael Gillespie (CO)

Joshua Michael Gillespie is a 39-year-old man living in Denver, Colorado. He is also an active member of the extreme right group The Proud Boys, has attended several protest events with the Proud Boys, and regularly promotes them on his social media. Let’s get to know Joshua and his Proud Boy affiliation a bit better!

Additional information about Joshua Gillespie can be found here. Continue reading “Denver Proud Boy Joshua Michael Gillespie (CO)”

4th Degree Proud Boy – Joshua Frashuer (CO)

Joshua Joseph Frashuer is a 4th degree member of the SPLC designated hate group the Proud Boys. Joshua is 37 years old, lives in Aurora, Colorado, and works as a project manager at Shamrock Painting. Joshua’s Facebook is full of anti-Semitic, anti-Muslim, and homophobic comments.

Additional information about Joshua can be found here. Continue reading “4th Degree Proud Boy – Joshua Frashuer (CO)”

White Supremacist Proud Boy Dean Daniel Van Zandt Jr. aka The Zodiak Doxxer (CO)

Dean Daniel Van Zandt Jr. lives in Pueblo, Colorado, works at Collins Aerospace, and is a member of the SPLC designated hate group the Proud Boys. Dean is also a white supremacist pagan who publishes false doxx’s of innocent individuals, claiming they are anti-fascists under the name Zodiak Doxxer. Dean runs a Pueblo kink group on Kik called PuebloBDS.

Additional information about Dean can be found here.

A script to contact Dean’s employer can be found here.

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Kirk Widlund – Nazi Executive Producer at 710 KNUS (CO)

Kirk Widlund is a Neo-Nazi and the host of the Keeping America Great podcast, as well as Executive Producer for the Steffan Tubbs Show, The American Veteran’s Show, The Craig Silverman Show, and Bird Talk, on the Denver conservative talk radio station 710 KNUS, owned by Salem Media. Kirk lives with his parents in Aurora and is a registered Republican.

Additional information about Kirk Widlund can be found here.

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Goyim Defense League Member Joey Bounds (CO)

Joseph (Joey) Eugene Bounds is a 31 year old active Neo-Nazi, flat earther living in Denver. Joey is a regular at the fascist protests of LGBTQIA+ events at Mile High Comics, distributes holocaust denial flyers around the Front Range, and travels with the Goyim Defense League on interstate hate bus tours.

Joey’s address in Denver can be found here.

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Jovi Val’s BFF Curtis DeGroote (CO)

Yesterday we released info about CSU Admissions worker Rob Adams, one of the moderator’s of David Huntwork‘s MAGA Trump – Colorado Facebook group. We released our article on Rob following the receipt of a ridiculous attempt at strong-arming from members of this “patriot group,” who threatened to visit an activist who has nothing to do with our collective at his home.

“Oh, you guys just call everyone a Nazi! You just call all the people you don’t like Nazis!”

We get that a lot. Despite what people may think, we try to be careful with who we deem a “Nazi.”

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Proud Boy Propagandist Louis Zachary Huey (CO)

Louie Huey is a second degree Proud Boy and the host of the livestream podcast Major League Liberty. When Louie isn’t drunkenly yelling about Antifa™ into his computer he’s organizing with Neo-Nazis like the (former) Traditionalist Workers Party and the Goyim Defense League. Louie bills itself as libertarian, but is largely a mouthpiece for Trump supporters. Case in point: Roger Stone was a recent guest. Louie is very active in the Denver area, covering rallies and events of interest to the “blue lives matter” crowd. Louie is also not above “hitting the streets” for some ridiculous “gotcha”-style journalism, and has become a well-known nuisance for Denver-area activists. Continue reading “Proud Boy Propagandist Louis Zachary Huey (CO)”

Identity Evropa and Patriot Front

So in the last 24 hours our Facebook page has been flooded by reactionary trolls. They have let us know in no uncertain terms their feelings towards immigrants, the LGBTQ+ community, and women. They are hateful, small-minded folks who think they are somehow hurting our feelings with their bullshit. Their nonsense is total projection. They insult us for being weak, effeminate, queers (which, yea, is true, we’re a bunch of LGBTQ+ people and most of us are sassy bottoms), and call us “keyboard warriors” but the fact is we have been kicking ass in Colorado for over two years now, and we’re not fucking going anywhere.

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Report Back – Denver March Against White Supremacy 12/2/2017

On December 2, 2017, Denver activist group Resist 5280 held a March Against White Supremacy. 2017 has been a banner year for hatecrimes, which isn’t surprising given the current political environment. One would think a march against white supremacy wouldn’t be that controversial of an event. One would be wrong.

The Denver event brought out a contingent of counter protesters. In the same way that being “anti-anti-fascist” just makes someone pro-fascist, protesting a march against white supremacy just makes them pro-white supremacy. Which isn’t surprising given the counter-protesters.

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Charlottesville Participant & Nazi Proud Boy Shane Reeves (CO)

Shane Reeves is a neo-Nazi member of the hate group the Proud Boys, likely living in Louisville, Colorado & working as a mover. Reeves took part in the deadly Charlottesville white nationalist rally in 2017 that resulted in the death of Heather Heyer. Shane is formerly associated with the Colorado III%ers and the Fraternal Order of Alt-Knights, and was at the June 10th March Against Sharia in Denver.

Additional information about Shane Reeves can be found here.

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