White Nationalist GOP Campaign Assistant Chad Kovacs (CO)

Chad Kovacs is a white nationalist in the Denver area who a source of ours met on the white supremacist matchmaking service Nationalist Connect (NatConnect). According to his LinkedIn (Archive), Chad works as a Lyft driver. He is also likely employed by Effectv (formerly Comcast Spotlight) as a Business Operations Specialist. Chad worked with the Colorado GOP as a campaign assistant on the 2018 Walker Stapleton gubernatorial race and had direct knowledge of Samuel Cordova’s attack on a drag queen story hour in Denver.

Additional information about Chad Kovacs has been published here. Continue reading “White Nationalist GOP Campaign Assistant Chad Kovacs (CO)”

Kirk Widlund – Nazi Executive Producer at 710 KNUS (CO)

Kirk Widlund is a Neo-Nazi and the host of the Keeping America Great podcast, as well as Executive Producer for the Steffan Tubbs Show, The American Veteran’s Show, The Craig Silverman Show, and Bird Talk, on the Denver conservative talk radio station 710 KNUS, owned by Salem Media. Kirk lives with his parents in Aurora and is a registered Republican.

Additional information about Kirk Widlund can be found here.

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Lucas Martin: Hitler Fanboy and “Name the Nose CO” Tour Participant (CO)

Lucas James Martin is a neo-Nazi living in Lone Tree, CO. Born in 1993, he is either 25 or 26 years old, and for the past seven years, has worked as a barista at the nearby King Soopers Starbucks on Holly St. in Centennial. Lucas is affiliated with the former Traditionalist Workers Party (now known as Black Shirts for Social Credit) as well as the Goyim Defense League.

Additional information about Lucas James Martin can be found here

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Goyim Defense League Member Joey Bounds (CO)

Joseph (Joey) Eugene Bounds is a 31 year old active Neo-Nazi, flat earther living in Denver. Joey is a regular at the fascist protests of LGBTQIA+ events at Mile High Comics, distributes holocaust denial flyers around the Front Range, and travels with the Goyim Defense League on interstate hate bus tours.

Joey’s address in Denver can be found here.

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Goyim Defense League Members Vincent & Briana Bertinelli (CO)

Vincent Bertinelli

Vincent Bertinelli is a 33 year old Neo-Nazi who lives with his wife Briana and 4 children in Walsenburg, Colorado. Vincent and Briana have made their living taking care of people with disabilities in their home for All Friends, Inc, but it is unclear if they still work for the company after moving to southern Colorado.

Vinny and Brianna’s current address can be found here.

Vincent runs a series of National-Socialist propaganda channels called “Peaceful Pogrom” under the pseudonym “Vinny Goyschild”

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Neo-Nazi Flat Earther Steve Hildebran (CO)

Steven Andreas Hildebran is a 36 year old Neo-Nazi and amateur rapper who lives with his parents in Colorado Springs. Steven allegedly works at Lee Hing Food Services as a Warehouse Driver.

Additional information about Steven has been published here.

Steven Andreas Hildebran

Steve Hildebran has been harassing the queer community in Denver for the past 6 months by posting up outside of drag events and calling all of the attendees pedophiles. These actions have been coordinated by an unholy alliance of members of the now defunct Nazi gang the Traditionalist Workers Party (Joshua Yeakal, Russell Frankland) Colorado Proud Boys (Louis Huey), and Anonymous Denver.

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Identity Evropa Member Connor Burgess (NV)


Connor Burgess is a 19 year old man who lives with his parents in Boulder City, Nevada, and is a member of the white supremacist hate group Identity Evropa (also known as American Identity Movement or AmIM).


Connor posted on the now leaked Anticom and Identity Evropa Discord chats as ChippedStones, where he complained about his father pushing him into wrestling from a young age.

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Identity Evropa Member & Former Child Actor Kenneth Cruey (NV)

Kenneth Edward Cruey is a member of the white supremacist hate group Identity Evropa (currently known as American Identity Movement or AmIM), is a registered republican, and lives in Las Vegas, Nevada.


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Patriot Front Member Samuel Cordova (CO)

This release was brought to you in part by the fine folks at Rocky Mountain Antifa.



Sam is definitely still a Nazi:


Samuel Cordova has plead guilty to committing a bias motivated crime:

Many of y’all probably heard the recent news that queer friendly businesses on Broadway in downtown Denver have been targeted by the white supremacist hate group Patriot Front.

Patriot Front stickers plastered on Hope Tank by Samuel Cordova

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American Identity Movement Leader Jeremy Riesberg (CO)

Jeremy Jeffery Riesberg is the head of the Colorado chapter of the hate group American Identity Movement (AmIM, formerly known as Identity Evropa). Under the aliases “Felden”, “Jackson”, and “Andrew Jackson”, Jeremy advocates for national socialism, illegally posts white supremacist propaganda, and coordinates a network of racists in from his home in Colorado Springs. Ironically, Jeremy is married to a black woman who gave birth to their interracial child.

Jeremy’s voter registration address as of 06/17/2024 can be found here.

UPDATE: 6/19/24: Jeremy Riesberg has been identified as part of the neo-Nazi organization Nationalist Coalition by Anonymous Comrades Collective

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